Not sure if living in the private rented sector is the right option for you? Worried about who is responsible for what in your tenancy? Got a problem with the neighbours?
Thinking about renting
Whether you’re renting from a private landlord for the first time or have lived in private rented accommodation for a number of years there can be times when you need a bit of help or advice. Thinking About Renting is a short video guide to renting in the private sector.
Thinking About Renting includes top tips on everything from house hunting to moving out at the end of your tenancy, or if there’s a certain topic you’re interested in simply choose from the sections below.
You can find more advice on renting in the private sector in our Tenant’s Handbook.
Choosing a home
There’s so much to think about when choosing a place to live it can be difficult to know where to start. These suggestions will help you decide what you need to think about before setting out on your house hunting journey.
For more tips on choosing a home in our Tenant’s Handbook
Tenancy Agreements
Assured Shorthold, Statutory Periodic and Licence Agreements are just a few of the different types of tenancy agreement you can get. Your tenancy agreement is a legal contract that includes information on rent, deposits, and your rights and responsibilities so it’s important to have the right one for your needs.
You can find more information on tenancy agreements and advice on rent, deposits and benefits in our Tenant’s Handbook.
Rights and Responsibilities
Before you move in you and your landlord need to be clear about rights and responsibilities. What if something gets broken or you can’t afford the rent? Is the property safe and secure? What about bills? Can friends come to stay? Check out this video for the answers to these questions and more.
Check out our Tenant’s Handbook if you want to know more about tenant’s responsibilities and landlord’s responsibilities.
Moving in
Finding the right place to live is just the start. There’s still a lot to do to turn a house into your home but these useful tips could help smooth the way.
Our Tenant’s Handbook includes more suggestions for a relaxing moving day.
Being a good tenant
If you want your tenancy to be successful it is important that you take care of the property, don’t break the conditions of the tenancy agreement and that you try to get on with your neighbours.
You can find more tips on being a good tenant in our Tenant's Handbook.
Problem neighbours
Getting on with your neighbours isn't always easy. Most problems can be easily resolved but if something is a bit more difficult its good to know where you can go for help.
There's more advice on problem neighbours and other issues in our Tenant's Handbook.
Moving on
Whether you decide it's time to move on or your landlord wants their house back it's important to get things right. Giving notice, paying the bills and repairing any damage will help you get your deposit back.
There's more information on ending your tenancy and advice if your landlord wants to evict you in our Tenant's Handbook.