Newcastle University Students Union (NUSU) Student Advice Centre

The Student Advice Centre (SAC) is the go-to advice service for Newcastle University students.  The service is located on the Ground Floor of the Students Union building.   If students need help on Housing related matters the advice team are there to help, support and advise.  Issues they can advise students on include :

  • House Hunting
  • Contract reviews
  • Contract Advice
  • Guarantors
  • Complaint handling
  • Housing Standards & Conditions
  • Possession & Eviction
  • Disrepair

The service is not limited to Housing, offering advice on Academic matters. 

Please visit the NUSU Student Advice Centre Housing Advice pages – split into 3 sections of LOOKING, LIVING, LEAVING for more information on private renting as a student.  You can also make an appointment to see an adviser.

The Advice Centre is independent from the University; so they can offer fully impartial, professional advice and the service aims to empower students to take the necessary steps to remedy any situation.  The service has a strict confidentiality policy, operates within service standards, has access to the Citizens Advice Bureau resources and is licenced by Advice UK.

Students can book an appointment online. Please check availability of drop in sessions daily on the SAC website as these are subject to change.

Contact them via telephone: 0191 239 3979 or email

Northumbria Students’ Union (NSU) Advice Team

Moving away from home for the first time to start university can be a daunting experience and thankfully most students are eased into this new style of living by spending a year in halls – providing you with a buffer between life at home and this new lease of independence in a thriving and exciting city. Then second year comes along and in most cases it’s time to find a new place to live.

For some people this process is a piece of cake, they know who they want to live with and where, and they sign contracts for a new house safe in the knowledge their landlord is a good guy and there’ll definitely be no arguments about whose turn it is to do the washing up or who’s making too much noise after a night out in town – however for the majority of students the process of finding a place to live while at university can be a bit of a minefield. Which areas are student friendly? Does this landlord have the right credentials? Will I get on with my course mates when we’re living together?


For more information about the services that are available to students of Northumbria University go the NSU website or email

Please note NSU are not trained legal professionals, but they will aim to find the answer to your questions, or they may refer you to the Student Law Office, Shelter or CAB.