The Private Rented Service Newcastle offers advice and support for private landlords and agents in Newcastle, find out how the Private Rented Service Newcastle can help you or contact us with your query at

How can the Private Rented Serive help me as a landlord?

We provide advice and support to landlords and letting agents includes our Tenant Finder Service, tenant management advice, advice on ending a tenancy and  a programme of online and face to face training and a free professional advice service.

To talk to us about a problem or to find out more contact us on 0191 277 1438 (Monday to Friday 8 till 12)

How does the Rent Depsoit Scheme work?

If your tenant can’t afford to pay a deposit the Council can provide a written guarantee in place of a cash deposit via the Rent Deposit Scheme. The guarantee lasts for up to 12 months giving the tenants time to save enough money to give you a deposit when the guarantee runs out.

I want to know more about being a landlord, are there any forums or training events i can attend?

We provide a Landlords Development Programme on topics such as legislation, managing your property and tax as well as a Landlords Forum where you can meet and network with other landlords.

You can also sign up to our regular e bulletin where you will get updates on national legislation and local property news as well as  invites to all our events.

I need help finding a tenant, can i get help from Private Rented Service Newcastle?

Yes, we provide free property advertising for any landlord or agent with property in Newcastle upon Tyne.  We advertise properties on our website as well a producing a weekly list which is sent direct to tenants and placed in council offices and customer service centers around the City.

We do not charge for this service but we do ask that the property becomes accreditation.