You might be aware that Newcastle City Council are consulting on proposals for new property licensing schemes and are seeking your feedback on our proposals.

Property licensing schemes are intended to raise standards in the private sector, making landlords more accountable, improving property management and stabilising communities, tackling antisocial behaviour and poverty in communities.

We would like to hear from anyone who lives or works in Newcastle or anyone who owns or manages a private rented property and have arranged a number of events to allow all stakeholders a chance to ask questions about the proposals.

You can take part in the survey here.


Presentation event with Q&A

At these events you will be able to listen to a presentation and ask questions.  Staff will be available to answer questions and help you complete the online survey.  Booking for these events is required. 

Jesmond Library – Tuesday 7th May  - 6pm to 8pm: Book your place

Westend Library – Wednesday 8th May - 6pm to 8pm: Book your place


Drop in events

At the drop-in session you will be able to pop in and find out more information on the proposals and have conversations with members of our team.  Members of the team will be on hand to help you complete online survey.

Jesmond Library – Monday 13th May - 4pm to 6pm

Westend Library – Wednesday 8th May - 4pm to 6pm

The Lemington Centre – Thursday 16th May 11am to 3.30pm


If you have any queries about the schemes or the survey, or you need this information in a different format such as large print, please contact us at: